Digital Q.ERP Has Been Enhanced by the New Reference Data Management Function
January 19, 2024
Diasoft continuously expands the capabilities of its Digital Q.ERP platform. Recently the platform has been enhanced with a new software product for the management of company reference data. The product ensures centralized maintenance of reference lists and can be used at large corporations, enterprises, and state companies.
Key functions of the “Reference Data Management” product:
- Management of reference lists: adding, editing, blocking reference list entries and approval of changes with all responsible parties.
- Management of classifiers: adding, editing, blocking classifier entries and approval of changes with all responsible parties.
- Maintaining the history of changes of reference lists and classifiers, which allows tracking the evolution of data.
- Execution of standardization algorithms.
- Management of the list of attributes used in reference lists and classifiers.
The product ensures standardization of reference lists, i.e. adapts diverse data to the common company standards. The centralized storage of data prevents from duplication and wrong formatting of records, while the ongoing data updating processes ensure that information stored in the unified reference system always complies with the company's rules and policies.
The product is based on the microservice architecture and can be integrated into any IT landscape.