Working in the mass market of retail loans often means having to deal with a large amount of typical requests for relatively small loans. To effectively process the significant application flow and stay competitive, lenders need to create a reliable technological platform that can help them to automate loan origination procedures, manage risk across the credit portfolio, quickly take loan decisions, create new products and smartly customize the origination underwriting.
It rarely happens that the corporate lending department offers standard credit products – business customers borrow larger amounts and require an individual approach, and the bank needs to customize and propose the best solution for each specific business task. A higher level of risk due to larger loan amounts is another important peculiarity of the corporate lending. Rely on the modern Digital Q LOS solution to handle the risk properly and deliver to your customers personalized high-quality services.
SME loans are relatively small, but they cause higher administrative expenses and require more human resources than other types of lending. Many owners of SMEs are hard to reach since they are located in remote rural areas. In addition, the lender has to handle a lot of financial information to take a right decision and mitigate risks. Streamline these procedures, reach remote customers and facilitate the whole SMEs lending process with modern technological tools and features offered by Digital Q LOS.
Microfinance services to poor and low-income households and their businesses, often known as micro-enterprises, plays a critical role in reducing the poverty. Embrace this wide customer group, reach your remote customers and smartly orchestrate your loan origination and management processes with the broadest range of advanced tools provided by the Digital Q LOS solution.
Minimization of Java scripts, CSS and HTML files, traffic optimization technologies for high availability even in case of poor internet connection.
Pre-integrated visual modelling tools for no-code process configuration. All steps and checks can be configured by business users without coding. They can be presented as a sequence or as parallel activities and completed either automatically or manually.
No need to train users with the intuitive user interface, easy navigation, support of hints, reference lists, filters and step-by-step wizards. Easy input of data and pre-population of fields with data from other information systems. The system guides the user through each step of a business process, highlights mandatory fields and verifies all forms to avoid human errors.
Using a Product Factory to quickly design and launch digital products & services for your bank