March 18, 2021
Diasoft with its Digital Q Omnichannel Solutions, a modern digital customer engagement platform, is included into Forrester’s Now Tech report on Digital Banking Engagement Platforms among 38 trusted global fintech vendors.
According to Forrester, digital banking engagement platforms (DBEP) help banks to flexibly and rapidly deliver new digital banking capabilities, support multiple channels out of the box and improve automation. Now Tech report is issued to help banking experts to understand the value they can expect from a DBEP provider and select vendors based on size and functionality.
Digital Q Omnichannel Solutions ensures effective support of all business processes for sale of financial products and services and customer support via digital channels, traditional branches and partner ecosystems. The business platform is based on the microservice architecture and provides a wide range of ready-to-use business capabilities (PBCs) for the modern financial services industry. It also supports pre-integrated tools for low-code development, which allows further customization and enhancement of implemented solutions by the Customer.
The platform combines channel-agnostic customer services, single view of the customer, products and services, advanced analytics and modern digital features (like digital customer onboarding, digital product origination, etc.) to help financial companies build strong relationships with their customers and create an improved CX at every step of the customer journey. All these features together with modern technologies used in the platforms provide a reliable framework for digital transformation and boundless development of financial institutions.
Forrester Now Tech Report on Digital Banking Engagement Platforms analyzes functional capabilities provided by the leading vendors of banking solutions and helps banks to make a weighted decision on the choice of a possible partner in their digital journey. Read the full report here: https://www.forrester.com/report/Now+Tech+Digital+Banking+Engagement+Platforms+Q1+2021/-/E-RES157439