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December 4, 2020

Digital Q Monitoring of Credit Contracts streamlines and facilitates monitoring of credit agreements, reduces the cost of analysis of customers’ creditworthiness and business reputation, and coordinates interaction of different business units involved into the lending business process within a single information environment.

For each object of monitoring (credit contract, borrower, collateral agreement), the solution supports lists of different monitoring factors. Based on these factors, users can plan their activities for assessment of the credit transaction, the customer’s creditworthiness, and the status of the collateral. This assessment can be carried out both automatically and in the manual mode.

Maintaining an electronic journal, the bank can control the receipt of new data on credit transactions that are submitted by customers or customer service managers upon request. In addition, the solutions allows using different reference lists containing data on high-risk customer in the monitoring process.

The results of monitoring of credit histories can be used to plan additional control activities with the ability to track these activities, generate reports and analyze credit risks. These functions are carried out by the middle office, whose tasks include assessment of the quality of the credit transaction and decision-making on the renewal of the credit contract.

The solution “Monitoring of Credit Contracts” is built on the microservice architecture and based on the Digital Q Risk & Compliance Platform by Diasoft. It significantly streamlines risk management tasks due to flexible automated identification of credit risk factors and assignment of risk levels and due to the use of voting for joint managerial decision-making.

Diasoft customers have highly rated such solution benefits as the ability to integrate with customer management and borrower servicing solutions, a simple and user-friendly interface, flexible setup of credit risk assigning schemes, and real-time synchronization of customer and credit information from the data store.

With these features, Diasoft’s solution allows banks to timely analyze a large amount of heterogeneous information and minimize the number of errors that may arise due to the human factor. This will help banks to prevent financial losses, improve their business performance and increase the efficiency of their lending policy.

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