Diasoft Digital Banking Platform Is Featured In the Forrester Now Tech Report
January 21, 2020
Digital economy makes banks and financial services companies to change their approach to customer services. To integrate into the new service paradigm, it is vital to select a successful digital strategy and choose a proven digital technology to support the selected strategy.
According to Forrester, digital banking platforms can be used to improve customer service and account opening, reduce time-to-market of new products and services, avoid downtimes, and enable great business agility. In its report “Now Tech: Digital Banking Platforms”, Forrester provides an overview of 35 digital banking platforms from the leading global vendors that significantly vary by size, functionality, geography, and vertical market focus. The survey helps to understand the value that a bank can expect from a banking platform provider and select vendors based on their size and functionality.
Diasoft Digital Platform was designed to support digital banking and digital transformation projects at financial services companies, leveraging on the best global practices. The platform helps businesses accelerate their integration into the digital era, build their digital brand, integrate into digital banking ecosystems and enhance customer experience with the most advanced tools and technologies. Being listed among the largest and the most prominent fintech providers proves once again the success of Diasoft’s product development strategy and the company’s ability to predict and adapt to the most important trends and demands of the financial services market.
Read the full report here: https://www.forrester.com/report/Now+Tech+Digital+Banking+Platforms+Q4+2019/-/E-RES157451